In this raging age of digital media, India has seen a rise in digital marketing activities and new trends in adoption of the internet for Branding & Marketing. Businesses are now increasingly spending money in online marketing services.
Below are some of important statistics on digital marketing in India, which shed light on current trends.
· 1 out of every 5 Indians are on the Internet
– 243 Million use the Internet in India today
– 64% of uses are daily users
– 500 Million Indians will be on the internet by 2018
– Soon, trend analysis suggests that India might overtake the USA in total number of internet users.
· 1 out of every 6 Indians is accesses the internet through mobile phones.
– 220 Million Individuals use smartphone to access Internet today. Websites websites & portals have to be responsive in nature and optimised for mobiles
– 92+ Million (41% of total internet users) users actively access social pages on their mobile.
Digital Media marketing in India
Digital Marketing is a medium that’s forcing both brands and agency to play catch up. Even before a particular aspecthas been ‘mastered’, there’s something new waiting to be explored in this field. Online buying behaviour and digital influence is increasing everyday
– The online advertising market in India is about to touch Rs 2,938 Crore.
– e-Commerce in India is expected to reach $24 billion (Rs 1,07,800 crores) by the year 2015
Social Media in India
Facebook and WhatsApp the most widely used platforms. Daily internet users struggle to foresee their lives without these platforms.
More than 88% of users share and spread content -text, picture, audio and video – on their social media platforms.
Here’s how various social media platforms fare in India today
– Facebook, 100 Million active users, around 80% of those access the portal via smartphones
– WhatsApp, 70 million active users, it is the most actively used mobile messenger today
– Twitter, 33 Million users, around 76% of which access the network through their smartphones
– LinkedIn, 26 Million users, I now call it the Facebook of working professionals
– Instagram, 10 Million active users, accessed by mobile, loved by youngsters who post selfies
– Pinterest, 5.5 Million active, you can find an ocean of info-graphics and ideas being shared in pictorial format
Which social media platform are you active on? Share your thoughts in the comment box below
If you are a business, which platforms are you using to target your Indian audiences? Share your insights below.
Credit for the stats – various websites, most helpful – Digital Insights
Credit for the Cover Image – Digital India Pavilion